New Zealand Diploma in Homeopathy (Level 6) with strands in Human Health, and Animal Health Study field Naturopathy and Homeopathy Qualification type Diploma Level 6 Location
Bachelor of Addiction Studies Study field Counselling Qualification type Bachelor Degree Level 7 Location
New Zealand Certificate in Business (Introduction to Small Business) (Level 3) Study field Business Management Qualification type Certificate Level 3 Location Providers in multiple locations
New Zealand Certificate in Project Management (Level 4) Study field Project Management Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Location Providers in multiple locations
New Zealand Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (Level 6) Study field Veterinary Assisting Qualification type Diploma Level 6 Location Providers in multiple locations
New Zealand Certificate in Catering Services (Level 4) Study field Cookery Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Location
New Zealand Diploma in Health and Wellbeing (Practice/Applied Practice) (Level 5) Study field Human Welfare Studies and Services not elsewhere classified Qualification type Diploma Level 5 Location Providers in multiple locations
Bachelor of Nursing Study field Nursing Qualification type Bachelor Degree Level 7 Location Providers in multiple locations
Postgraduate Certificate in Management (Business) (Health) (Hospitality) (Information Technology) Te Pōkaitahi Taura Mahi Whakahāere (Pākihi) (Hauora) (Manaakitanga) (Hangarau Pārongo) Study field Business and Management not elsewhere classified Qualification type Postgraduate Certificate Level 8 Location Provider has multiple locations
New Zealand Certificate in Education Support (Level 4) Study field Teacher Education not elsewhere classified Qualification type Certificate Level 4 Location Providers in multiple locations