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Showing 51-60/1600 results for Computer Applications and Programming.

Course search results

Course search results

New Zealand Certificate in Computing (Foundation User) (Level 2)

Study field
Text and Information Processing
Qualification type
Certificate Level 2
Providers in multiple locations

Bachelor of Software Engineering (Cloud Computing, and Artificial Intelligence)

Study field
Computer Science not elsewhere classified
Qualification type
Bachelor Degree Level 7
Provider has multiple locations

Graduate Diploma in Information and Communications Technology with endorsements in Software Development and Computer Networks

Study field
Information Systems not elsewhere classified
Qualification type
Graduate Diploma Level 7
Provider has multiple locations

Graduate Diploma in Information and Communication Technologies

Study field
Computer Science not elsewhere classified
Qualification type
Graduate Diploma Level 7
Provider has multiple locations

Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences with Honours/​Bachelor of Laws (Conjoint)

Study field
Computer Science not elsewhere classified
Qualification type
Bachelor Degree with Honours Level 8

Bachelor of Management Studies/​Bachelor of Science (Technology) (Conjoint)

Study field
Mixed Field Programmes not elsewhere classified
Qualification type
Bachelor Degree Level 7

Advanced Applications of AI in Education (Micro-credential)

Study field
Teacher Professional Development
Qualification type
Level 6
Provider has multiple locations