Bachelor of Science(Technology)/Bachelor of Social Sciences (Conjoint) Study field Natural and Physical Sciences not elsewhere classified Qualification type Bachelor Degree Level 7 Location
Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Science (Conjoint) Study field Society and Culture not elsewhere classified Qualification type Bachelor Degree Level 7 Location
Bachelor of Environmental Planning/Bachelor of Science (Conjoint) Study field Mixed Field Programmes not elsewhere classified Qualification type Bachelor Degree Level 7 Location
Bachelor of Teaching/Bachelor of Science (Conjoint) Study field Teacher Education: General (Pre-Service) Qualification type Bachelor Degree Level 7 Location
Bachelor of Management Studies/ Bachelor of Science (Conjoint) Study field Business Management Qualification type Bachelor Degree Level 7 Location
Bachelor of Management Studies (Honours)/ Bachelor of Science (Conjoint) Study field Business Management Qualification type Bachelor Degree with Honours Level 8 Location
Conjoint: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Science Study field Engineering and Related Technologies not elsewhere classified Qualification type Bachelor Degree with Honours Level 8 Location
Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws (Conjoint) Study field Law Qualification type Bachelor Degree Level 7 Location
Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws with Honours (Conjoint) Study field Society and Culture Qualification type Bachelor Degree with Honours Level 8 Location
Conjoint: Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Theology Study field Religious Studies Qualification type Bachelor Degree Level 7 Location