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Showing 11-20/2875 results for Graphic Arts and Design Studies.

Course search results

Course search results

Bachelor of Design and Arts (with a major in Design Media, Visual Arts or Textiles/​Fashion Design)

Study field
Graphic Arts and Design Studies
Qualification type
Bachelor Degree Level 7
Providers in multiple locations

Master of Design (Level 9)

Study field
Graphic Arts and Design Studies
Qualification type
Masters Degree Level 9
Provider has multiple locations

Postgraduate Diploma in Design (Level 8)

Study field
Graphic Arts and Design Studies
Qualification type
Postgraduate Diploma Level 8
Provider has multiple locations

Bachelor of Media Design

Study field
Graphic and Design Studies not elsewhere classified
Qualification type
Bachelor Degree Level 7
Provider has multiple locations

Poutuarongo Whare Pora (PWP)

Study field
Ngā Mahi a te Whare Pora (Māori Weaving)
Qualification type
Bachelor Degree Level 7
Provider has multiple locations

Bachelor of Computer Graphic Design /​ Bachelor of Communication Studies (Conjoint)

Study field
Mixed Field Programmes not elsewhere classified
Qualification type
Bachelor Degree Level 7

Bachelor of Software Engineering (Game Programming)

Study field
Information Technology not elsewhere classified
Qualification type
Bachelor Degree Level 7
Provider has multiple locations