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Showing 31-40/5407 results.
The Rangatahi Futures programme supports teachers to deliver culturally responsive career education to Māori learners.
Kia Tū, Kia Māia, Kia Manawanui! Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Determined! Careers New Zealand headed out to film five successful Māori businesses in the agriculture, construction, health and fitness and...
The benchmarks are a flexible self-review tool that enables tertiary organisations to use the approach that best suits their needs.
Continuing our Q & A series – answering questions from parents about their young person's work and learning choices.
About the Key Information for Students.
Subscribe for tips on how you can help your young person make study and career decisions.
If you want to make a good start at a new job, there are some things you should do – and some things you should avoid doing.
With Subject Matcher you can see how the NCEA subjects your young person chooses can influence their possible career path.
Continuing our future of work series – we discuss how building up your transferable skills will be the key to moving between jobs and industries in the new world of work.
Continuing our future of work series – we talk about opportunities for self-employment in the new gig economy.