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Showing 1-10/10 results for Weaving.
Artists turn creative ideas into works of art using media such as paint, digital resources, fabric and feathers, clay, stone and wood.
Textile process operators carry out a variety of tasks in the production of materials such as fabric, canvas, yarn and carpet.
Kia Tū, Kia Māia, Kia Manawanui! Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Determined! Careers New Zealand headed out to film five successful Māori businesses in the agriculture, construction, health and fitness and...
The magic of myths online resource provides teachers, kaiako and career educators with tools and tips about using kōrero pūrākau or Māori myths and legends to connect with students about their future pathways. This resource can also help you share the magic of kōrero pūrākau with whānau, and help parents connect with their children about their future directions.
Learn how teaching career management competencies helps Year 7 and 8 students manage their life, learning and work, and assists them with decisions at key transition points. Find out how all teachers can contribute to career development through a school-wide approach.