Cultural Capability for the Services Sector - Connecting With Te Ao Māori (Micro-credential)
Study field
Tikanga - Māori Customs
Qualification type
Level 3
Provider has multiple locations
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Teaching)
Study field
Teacher Education: Early Childhood (Pre-Service)
Qualification type
Bachelor Degree Level 7
Provider has multiple locations
Bachelor of Education Studies
Study field
Teacher Education: General (Pre-Service)
Qualification type
Bachelor Degree Level 7
Master of Professional Practice (with majors in Leadership, Trauma-Responsive Therapy, and Trauma-Informed Leadership and Service)
Study field
Education not elsewhere classified
Qualification type
Masters Degree Level 9
New Zealand Certificate in Maritime Crewing (Level 3) with strands in Deck Crewing, Engineering, Passenger Services, and Superyacht Crewing
Study field
Marine Craft Operation
Qualification type
Certificate Level 3
Providers in multiple locations
New Zealand Certificate in Electrical Engineering (Electromechanical Maintenance and Repair) (Level 4) with optional strand in Electrical Service Technician (EST)
Study field
Electrical Engineering
Qualification type
Certificate Level 4
Provider has multiple locations
Graduate Diploma in Engineering with strands in Mechatronics, Water and Waste Engineering, Strutures, and Building Services
Study field
Civil Engineering not elsewhere classified
Qualification type
Graduate Diploma Level 7
Providers in multiple locations
New Zealand Certificate in Mountain Facility Operations (Level 3) with strands in Lift Operations, and Road and Carpark Services
Study field
Sport and Recreation Activities
Qualification type
Certificate Level 3
New Zealand Diploma in Library and Information Studies (Level 5)
Study field
Librarianship and Information Management
Qualification type
Diploma Level 5
Provider has multiple locations
Nga Vaka o Kāiga Tapu: Ethnic Specific Service Delivery Models, when Working with Family Violence (Micro-credential)
Study field
Human Welfare Studies and Services not elsewhere classified