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Showing 121-126/126 results for Te Reo Māori.

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Job search results



Physiotherapists help people regain movement and function after they have been affected by an injury, disability or health condition. They also give advice on how to prevent injuries.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
4 years

Physiotherapists usually earn
$58K-$86K per year

Senior physiotherapists usually earn
$87K-$119K per year


Kaitiaki Pī

Beekeepers look after beehives in apiaries that produce honey, wax, pollen and other bee products. They may also offer pollination services to horticultural and seed crop producers.


Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-2 years

Beekeepers with up to four years’ experience usually earn
$48K-$70K per year

Beekeepers who manage apiaries usually earn
$65K-$120K per year

Medical Imaging Technologist

Kairahurahu Whakaahua Whakaora

Medical imaging technologists use x-ray and other imaging equipment to take images of injuries and diseases. 

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-5 years

Medical imaging technologists with one to six years’ experience usually earn
$63K-$84K per year

Medical imaging technologists with more than six years’ experience usually earn
$87K-$118K per year