Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology

Massey University

Subject area

Education Studies



2 Years

Total student fees


over 2 Years - details

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About the course

What can I expect out of this qualification?

Graduates of the Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology will be able to effectively and successfully demonstrate skills in the integration and application of educational, developmental, and psychological discipline knowledge and research to support the lifelong learning and development of 21st century citizens. They will be able to contribute to the research and scholarship that guides and informs professional practice and the wider discipline. Graduates are distinguished by their ability to critically apply discipline knowledge and research, to better understand the complex dimensions of a range of current educational, developmental and psychological issues, practices and/or policies. Graduates will possess the necessary foundations to pursue further postgraduate study for professional practice in Psychology, Educational and Developmental Psychology, Education and related fields. Graduates will develop skills and experience that will enhance and advance their careers in the following areas: * Inclusive and special education (early childhood to tertiary) * Professional development and human management within organisations * Leadership and consultation in educational settings * Behaviour and learning support work and specialist education support * Community support and consultation roles * Research and policy development

Key Information for Students

Entry Requirements

Minimum requirements

A Bachelors degree in Education, Psychology, Counselling, Social Work, Speech Language Therapy, or a related relevant discipline, with a minimum of a B average in the highest level course, or equivalent; and specific psychology courses, or equivalent; and 60 credits of approved undergraduate psychology of at least 45 credits at 200-level or above.

Detailed requirements

See provider website for more details about entry to this qualification.


2 Years

Tuition Fees

Annual Total qualification
Student fees
(what you pay)
$10,201 $20,402
Government tuition subsidy
(what the government pays)
$18,593 $37,186
Total $28,794 $57,589

StudyLink website – information about student loans

A Compulsory Student Services Fee may be charged, see your provider for details.

Student Success


National Graduate Outcomes

Outcomes for students who completed qualifications at the same level and in the same subject area, three years after completion:

Median earnings N/A
Earnings range N/A
In employment N/A
In further study N/A
On a benefit N/A

All KIS information is the most recent data available and relates to domestic students only.

Click here for more information about the Key Information for Students

Contact details

Main Campus Office

Free phone: 0800 627 739
Phone: (06) 356 9099
Fax: (06) 350 2263

Please contact the provider for details of where this qualification is offered.

Where does this information come from?

The Key Information for Students data is compiled by the Tertiary Education Commission based on information provided by tertiary education providers and the Ministry of Education. Remember to check the provider’s website for further details.

NZQA supplies all other information based on material from the provider.

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