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Job search results

Records Adviser

Kaiwhakahaere Kōnae

Records advisers create and monitor electronic and paper filing systems so that records can be filed, found, tracked and disposed of.

Job opportunities

Records advisers usually earn
$48K-$58K per year

Records managers can earn
$100K or more


Kaimātai Aro Whenua

Geologists study Earth processes, such as earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions, to predict future events. They also advise on natural hazards and how to develop or use the Earth's land and resources.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-7 years

Geologists can earn
$90K-$180K per year

Forensic Scientist

Kaipūtaiao Taihara

Forensic scientists apply scientific knowledge and skills to investigate crimes and help the police find or eliminate crime suspects. They may research developing or improving forensic techniques.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
4-5 years

Forensic scientists working as senior forensic technicians usually earn
$74K-$88K per year

Senior forensic scientists with extra responsibilities can earn
$115K-$166K per year

Media Producer

Kaihautū Pāpāho

Media producers plan and produce films, television programmes, theatre productions, music, digital content, radio shows, festivals and other artistic activities.

Job opportunities

Pay rates for media producers vary as most are self-employed and work on short-term contracts.