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Showing 1-10/13 results for biology.

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Kairarau Matū Koiora

Biochemists study the chemical structure and function of animals, plants and micro-organisms such as bacteria and viruses. They use this research to develop medical, industrial and agricultural products.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-9 years

Biochemists usually earn
$48K-$75K per year

Senior biochemists with PhDs usually earn
$76K-$130K per year

Medical Physicist

Kaiahupūngao Whakaora

Medical physicists help plan radiation treatment for patients, check and monitor radiation equipment, and develop new treatment techniques.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
8 years

Medical physicists usually earn
$65K-$118K per year

Experienced medical physicists usually earn
$122K-$161K per year

Marine Biologist

Kaimātai Koiora Moana

Marine biologists study animals and plants that live in the sea and freshwater, and how they interact with their surroundings.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
5-9 years

Marine Biologists at Crown research agencies can earn
$71K- $177K per year

Marine biologists at universities can earn
$58K- $198K per year


Kaimātai Koiora Mororiki

Microbiologists study micro-organisms, such as bacteria, viruses and fungi, and the effects they have on plants, animals and humans. They also develop products from micro-organisms to benefit humans or the environment.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-9 years

Microbiologists usually earn
$48K-$75K per year

Senior microbiologists usually earn
$75K-$130K per year