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Showing 1-10/148 results for Maintenance engineer.

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Job search results

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

Mataaro Whakatika Waka Rererangi

Aircraft maintenance engineers keep aeroplanes safe. They install, inspect, maintain and repair aircraft, aircraft radio, avionic (electronic), navigation, communication and electrical and mechanical systems.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-5 years

Aircraft maintenance engineers usually earn
$48K-$91K per year

Senior aircraft maintenance engineers and supervisors usually earn
$86K-$165K per year

Engineering Machinist

Kaiwhakamahi Pūrere

Engineering machinists create, assemble and repair metal products by interpreting designs, measuring metals, and operating machines to cut and shape them.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
4 years

Apprentice engineering machinists usually earn
$48K per year

Experienced engineering machinists usually earn
$48K-$103K per year

Marine Engineer

Mataaro Kaipuke

Marine engineers operate, service and repair engines, and mechanical and electronic equipment on ships and boats.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-3 years

New marine engineers usually earn
$65K-$80K per year

Experienced marine engineers usually earn
$80K-$184K per year

Electrical Engineer

Mataaro Pūhiko

Electrical engineers design, construct and manufacture electrical systems. They also maintain, operate and manage these systems.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
4 years

Electrical engineers usually earn
$77K-$160K per year

Senior and principal electrical engineers can earn
$150K-$210K per year

Mechanical Engineer

Mataaro Pūkaha

Mechanical engineers design and give advice on the building and repair of machines and tools. They also investigate problems and faults with machinery, and study ways to improve manufacturing and energy production.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-4 years

Mechanical engineers earn an average of
$85K-$105K per year

Mechanical engineers working as patent attorneys can earn
$75K-$180K per year

Electrical Engineering Technician

Kaihangarau Take Pūhiko

Electrical engineering technicians interpret the designs and technical instructions of electrical engineers, then ensure they are accurately carried out. They also develop, install, test and maintain equipment that produces, transmits or uses power.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-3 years

New electrical engineering technicians usually earn
$23-$27 per hour

Senior electrical engineering technicians usually earn
$34-$43 per hour