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Showing 31-40/148 results for Maintenance engineer.

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Kaimātai Aro Whenua

Geologists study Earth processes, such as earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions, to predict future events. They also advise on natural hazards and how to develop or use the Earth's land and resources.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-7 years

Geologists can earn
$90K-$180K per year



Surveyors plan, direct and conduct survey work to determine the position of boundaries, locations, topographic features and built structures.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
4 years

Licensed surveyors usually earn
$90K-$110K per year

Systems Administrator

Kaiwhakahaere Pūnaha

Systems administrators develop, maintain and administer computer operating systems, database management systems, and security policies and procedures.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-4 years

Systems administrators usually earn
$85K-$120K per year

Database administrators usually earn
$85K-$145K per year

Security Analyst

Kaitātari Whakamarumaru

Security analysts create and monitor security processes and frameworks to protect an organisations information systems and computer networks from being illegally accessed.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-4 years

Security analysts usually earn
$120K-$200K per year

Security managers and chief security officers can earn
$150K-$500K per year