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Showing 61-70/87 results for "primary industries".

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Job search results

Tertiary Lecturer

Pūkenga Whare Wānanga

Tertiary lecturers teach at universities, Te Pūkenga, wānanga and other post-secondary education providers. They also carry out research and do administrative tasks. 

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-8 years

Assistant lecturers and lecturers usually earn
$50K-$108K per year

Senior lecturers, associate professors and professors usually earn
$77K-$213K per year

Data Analyst

Kaitātari Raraunga

Data analysts identify and describe data trends using statistics and specialised software to help organisations achieve their business aims.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
2-3 years

Data analysts usually earn
$90K-$120K per year

Data scientists usually earn
$110K-$170K per year

Mechanical Engineer

Mataaro Pūkaha

Mechanical engineers design and give advice on the building and repair of machines and tools. They also investigate problems and faults with machinery, and study ways to improve manufacturing and energy production.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
3-4 years

Mechanical engineers earn an average of
$85K-$105K per year

Mechanical engineers working as patent attorneys can earn
$75K-$180K per year

Health and Safety Adviser

Kaitohutohu Hauora-Haumaru

Health and safety advisers monitor workplace health and safety hazards, train employees on health and safety procedures, and investigate accidents.

Job opportunities
Training usually required
1-3 years

Health and safety advisers with less than two years' experience usually earn
$51K-$70K per year

Health and safety advisers with more than seven years' experience can earn
$100K-$125K per year

Bank Worker

Kaimahi Whare Pūtea

Bank workers receive deposits and pay out money, keep records of transactions, issue receipts, and advise customers on banking services and products.

Job opportunities

Bank workers in customer service roles usually earn
$55K-$80K per year

Bank workers in management can earn
$70K-$145K per year